Finding Freedom: Your Guide to Overcoming Stress and Anxiety

Discover how to free yourself from the trap of being a victim to your stress and anxiety symptoms



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Ridding yourself of the problem

Join the global community of participants who are experiencing more freedom in their lives since mastering the tools to overcome the anxiety and stress that has been holding them back.

We all experience anxiety from time to time, however if your anxiety and stress is becoming unmanageable, it’s time to seek the help you need.

Have you been experiencing the following symptoms of anxiety, panic, fear, and stress?

You have difficulty concentrating or can’t focus on tasks you need to get done
You have physical symptoms of aches in the body, chest pains, racing heart, stomachache, trembling, or sweating every time you are faced with normal everyday situations and problems.
You have difficulty sleeping due to having worrisome thoughts about a particular situation that is troubling you
You experience panic attacks when you are faced with situations that trigger a sense of danger and doom
You can’t let go of thinking about your problems or experience regular intrusive thoughts about the things that are worrying you
Your mind wants to know what will happen constantly when you are faced with uncertainty
You procrastinate with taking action on the things that seem challenging or require effort
Your stress and anxiety paralyzes you and you feel unmotivated to move forward with finding solutions

When we are faced with these experiences we often can’t see a way out and feel trapped.

You may have found yourself in a position where you already tried to deal with these feelings on your own, but nothing has worked. You keep experiencing the same feelings of anxiety and fear over and over again. And you can’t seem to ignore this any longer. It’s been there for too long. It’s impacting your relationships and your level of happiness.

Maybe you have tried to escape these feelings by turning towards destructive behaviours (excessive drinking, working too much, over-eating, distracting yourself with social media, entertainment, sex, or other people). None of these things are working for you and you want to see a real change.

You are ready to make a courageous choice and seek the support and guidance you need to help you break free from the trap you have been stuck in.



No matter how hopeless your situation may seem right now, there is a way forward.

It’s time to take back control and make a choice to help yourself and not give up.

This course is designed to give you the tools you need to resolve your anxiety one step at a time. I will guide you every step of the way with proven strategies that I’ve used to help hundreds of my private practice clients.

Benefits of the course 

You are going to discover what it feels like to wake up in the morning and not feel anxious about your day
You are going to feel confident in yourself that no matter how bad your anxiety is, you can handle it
You are going to learn powerful strategies to calm your mind, so you have the energy to focus on what’s most important for you
You are going to feel equipped to face your fears no matter how big they are
You are going to learn how to have more control over your mindset and thoughts so they empower you rather than hold you back
You will develop more self-awareness that gives you power to step outside the vicious circle of anxiety
You are going to learn how to be with an emotion of anxiety and understand the message it gives you

Meet your trainer:

Dr. Kasia Wilk

Kasia has worked with hundreds of people around the world helping them to resolve their anxiety through making empowered choices every day. She has witnessed the incredible power that is available to us to transform ourselves and our life circumstances in even the most dire of situations.

She has discovered through her personal and professional experiences that what often holds us back from living a life of true freedom, happiness, and self-expression is FEAR.

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough. This can manifest in our lives as anxiety, stress, panic, and other unpleasant physical sensations.

Our minds begin to catastrophise and respond to imagined threats that are not real. She recalls a time her own life when Fear was dominating the show. Her heart was telling her to take risks, while her mind was creating all the reasons why it wouldn’t work out and that she was foolish. She slowly began to pay attention to these ‘defining’ choice-point moments where she could continue to let fear rule her life, or she could choose to move forward with courage and love. And that made all the difference…taking that first step into the unknown can be a scary step. But you don’t have to do it alone. Nothing gives Kasia greater joy than to walk the journey with those that are ready to transform and evolve to a place of wholeness, freedom, and joy. This is why she does what she does.

She has worked in the field of psychology, therapy, personal growth, and development for over 15 years, bringing her international experience of supporting individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and locations. These diverse experiences include providing therapy to individuals within the UK National Health Service, setting up a specialised counselling service for international students in Manchester, providing mentorship and capacity development for young people in Kenya, and working within the social services sector in Canada to provide critical life skills and psychosocial support to adults with complex issues.

She has seen how common anxiety is today, and decided to create this course to support as many individuals as possible to overcome their fears and live lives that are resilient, empowered, and free from limitations.

If you are ready to put in the required work, get ready to experience a new level of freedom.

What you can expect from the course

This course is for you if you are willing to put in the work and apply all the practical concepts that I will guide you through. I have seen that when participants commit to diving all in and take onboard the lessons, they will experience breakthroughs that will serve them for the rest of their lives. This especially applies to doing the homework that comes with each lesson and tracking your progress as you move through each lesson chapter.

You will have a workbook that you will use alongside each video module to capture your responses and to track your progress. You will also be able to use this workbook to continue to practice what you learn to develop the skills required to maintain your well-being over time.

Please note that this course is not equivalent to having therapy or counselling sessions. If you are experiencing severe stress and anxiety that is impacting upon your basic daily functioning, or you are at risk of harming yourself, it is advised that you seek professional medical advice before embarking on any self-help materials such as this online course.

down arrow Module 1: An Introduction to Anxiety

Here we will lay the foundation of understanding our anxiety and stress by noting how it is a common feeling that arises for humans which is completely normal, but for many people it can begin to become excessive. Today, we are under more pressure at work to manage more tasks, we are faced with more distractions, and we are processing more information than ever before with the fast paced digital world we now live in.

We will set the foundations for how to use this course powerfully and you will begin by taking a questionnaire to assess your anxiety levels currently so you know how best to utilise this course depending on your current level of stress.

We will be drawing from psychological models of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and Mindfulness theories throughout this course.

down arrow Module 2: Understanding and Mapping Your Personal Anxiety and Stress Response

In this lesson you will be drawing out your own personal anxiety map with me to understand how you get trapped within a cycle of fear-based thinking and responses. Our minds are designed to detect threats and move us into self-protection, however in most cases of anxiety, the threat is not actually a current or real danger.

When we understand what happens to us when this false alarm goes off, we are better able to step outside of the fight/flight system that is activated within us. You will learn about your anxiety triggers and what happens to you on a mental, emotional, physical level and how you cope. With this understanding, we can begin to tackle your anxiety with powerful strategies to deal with each aspect of it.

down arrow Modules 3-5: Using Practical Tools to Cope with Anxiety and Stress

Modules 3-5 will provide you with the powerful tools you need to deal with each aspect of anxiety (physical, emotional, and mental symptoms) in three different lessons. Your personal anxiety map will provide a guide for how to tackle each of these symptoms.

You will learn how to relax your body using the breath, mindfulness, and progressive muscle relaxation. You will learn how to deal with anxious emotions using guided audio exercises, self-soothing techniques, and problem solving. And finally, you will discover how to tackle the mental symptoms of anxiety like ‘what if’ thinking, catastrophising, and intrusive thoughts using powerful cognitive therapy strategies that challenge worried thinking and support you in tolerating uncertainty when it arises. I will be guiding you through each of these modules providing experiential exercises we do together. You will be asked to continue applying these exercises regularly throughout the week in order to track your progress and gain control over your anxiety symptoms as they arise. 

down arrow Modules 6-7: Resolving the Root Causes of Your Anxiety and Stress

Once you discover how to manage and cope with the day to day symptoms of anxiety and stress, we can go even deeper into resolving the origins of your fears and worries. In these two modules, we will be looking at how our fears and worries stem from past experiences we’ve had of failure, rejection, inadequacy, or trauma. You will come to understand how these experiences have left imprints that are not serving you today and form the basis of your key fears and beliefs about yourself, other people, and the world at large.

With this understanding, we will address the root causes and support a shift on a deeper level by connecting with your younger self and providing the reassurance they never received. You will be guided through a powerful visualisation exercise that will release old fears and provide new meanings to painful past experiences you have endured.

You will discover how to let go of old childhood survival strategies by examining the short and long term consequences of these choices in your present world. These two lessons will leave you feeling healed and empowered from a very deep level.

down arrow Modules 8-9: Moving Forward

In these final modules, we will tie everything together that we have done. You will be able to review your progress and note what has shifted/changed for you, and how you can take the lessons further as you move forward in your life.

We will examine how important it is to ensure self-care is a priority in your life and how you can build a support network around you to ensure you are not facing challenges and stresses on your own. We will look at practicing self-compassion and understanding when you are feeling unwell, and learn how to build personal resiliency in managing anxiety when you are triggered.

I will leave you with some final recommendations based on your progress of where to go next and how to maintain your newfound feeling of relief and freedom!

You will have lifetime access to this course and can continue to go back and continue practicing everything you have learned forever!

What my clients say

Dr. Kasia Wilk has been tremendously helpful with guidance and support to overcome a diverse set of challenges. An extended set of sessions with her has proved to be of invaluable benefit to process and deal with matters ranging from grief to relationships to self-improvement. Her kind, patient and nurturing attitude and insightful approach leads me to recommend her highly. Christian
Working with Kasia has been a life changing experience. I feel I understand myself and my place in the world like never before. I have been able to explore these things in a safe place, free from judgement, and in doing so, I have found acceptance and tolerance for myself and those closest to me. Experiencing a breakthrough with my father, which I was coached through, has had a profound and lasting impact throughout all aspects of my life. Edward P
Kasia is someone who empowers and inspires others to lead happier lives. Through her supportive, caring and empathetic nature, she not only makes people feel better about themselves, but also provides them with the tools they need to break through their self-imposed psychological limitations, enhance their psychological health, and make long-lasting positive life changes. She is also passionate about raising global consciousness and making the world a better place, and leads by example through following her own heart and taking inspired action to achieve success. James D
In a very approachable, professional and structured way Dr Kasia Wilk has shared key critical tools and techniques her clients use whilst dealing with severe stress and anxiety. I recommend it to anyone who is serious about tackling these issues. Julie M

List of Bonuses

Enroll today to receive these free bonus gifts valued at over £1000!

three powerful bonus lessons

You will receive three additional bonus videos teaching you how to be resilient and set yourself up for overcoming your fears no matter what life throws at you. This includes knowing how to become a player in your life rather than an observer, and how to create a support system around you to move forward with accountability and reassurance.

1:1 Follow-up coaching session

A free 1:1 follow-up call with me when you complete the course to guide you to continue implementing what you have learned on a daily basis. I will provide recommendations for how you can amplify your progress in the course for the future.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you will discover in this online course:


An introduction to Mindfulness

Learn about this Eastern practice and how to use it on a daily basis to become the observer of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. When we become the observer of our inner world, we are no longer pulled and pushed by our thoughts and emotions and we can allow things to pass through as waves on an ocean.


Learning how to self-soothe using your 5 senses

Discover how to use your 5 senses to soothe yourself into calm and peace. We begin with the sense of touch as one of the senses we can use to foster a feeling of comfort and safety within ourselves.


How to deal with worrisome thoughts

We often don’t recognise the resilience and wisdom we already possess within us to deal with many stressful events and situations. When we begin shifting our perspective on the very issues that are currently troubling us, we can begin to feel differently about the outlook and our own capacity to deal with them.

Let’s talk about commitment…

This course is not for you if you don’t plan on committing 100%. In order to really see the results you seek, you must be willing to step into this process fully because your mental health depends on it. I am there to guide you, but the responsibility to make the necessary changes needed are with you. No refunds are therefore offered, because I want you to be 100% in with no back door to give up on your results.

Frequently Asked Questions

down arrow This course includes 8 modules. Do I have to complete it in 8 weeks?

I encourage you to dive 100% into each module for a full week before you move on to the next one and maintain consistency with practicing everything you learn to see the best outcomes. It’s important to do the homework every day to get the results you seek. This gives you time to practice the concepts and strategies fully. It is also important to continue practicing the various techniques you will learn ongoingly to make them into habits that will stay with you. You can take as much time as you require with each module to ensure you get what you need from it, and go at your own pace.

down arrow Can I do this course while also seeing a therapist/counsellor?

Yes! Although you may learn similar or different concepts/strategies for dealing with anxiety with your therapist, the work can be very much enhanced through taking the online course at the same time. We will be drawing from psychological models of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, and Mindfulness theories throughout this course.

down arrow Will there be any 1:1 support should I need it?

I am currently offering a free online follow-up session to you when you purchase the course. This limited time offer will be available after you complete the course in order to provide you with powerful guidance on how to maintain your progress and what to do next. If you would like to work with me 1:1, please email me at and if I have availability, I’d be happy to support you. If I don’t have availability, I’d be happy to recommend an alternative therapist to you.

down arrow How do I know if this course will be right for me?

No matter whether you are experiencing slight stress or more profound anxiety, you will receive massive benefits from your participation in this course. The more you practice doing the mindset work, the greater the results you will see. You will have an opportunity to take a quiz at the beginning of the course to assess your severity of distress which will provide guidance on how much work will be required from you.





you will receive Lifetime access to the course, bonus video material and a free 1:1 follow-up session with me to take your learning to the next level!


I’m ready to experience freedom! take me to the course